Sunday, October 26, 2008

My Relationship With Maggi Mee

Of course, everyone in Malaysia know about Maggi Mee. If they don't, they must have been living in a cave for the past few decades.

Anyway, as a student in a university, one cannot survive without Maggi Mee. Just imagine eating the same old Curry Chicken and soggy vegetables everyday. I used to love eating Curry Chicken but now I detest it. The vegetables they serve us are yellow and lifeless. I mean, of course, the vegetables are dead but at least they should look alive and green.

Therefore, desperate times call for desperate measures. Maggi Mee is a life saver, food from the Heavens. Just two minutes in hot boiling water and there you have it. A hot bowl of delicious mee with steaming satisfying soup. Yum.

But already I'm sick of eating Maggi. It seems tasteless to me although it was one of the most wonderful food I ever ate in my life. Well, I suppose you can have too much of a good thing in life.