Friday, June 4, 2010

The Greatest Gift

As I was walking down the streets,
A familiar old face appeared unexpectedly,
Among the sea of nameless people.

She was looking through the window of a store,
Her eyes intent on something,
Beyond the piece of glass.

I walked passed her without her noticing me,
And then I stopped suddenly in my footsteps,
The sea of people flowed around me.

I headed back hesitantly,
Until I was right behind her,
And gave her a gentle tap on her shoulder.

With her concentration upon the object of her desire broken,
She turned her head to stare questioningly at me and said,
Who are you ?

She didn't remember the little boy in her class,
But it was hardly her fault,
It was almost ten years ago.

Mister, do I know you ?
She questioned me in that stern tone of hers,
Which I was afraid of and feared when I was a child.

John, you're useless !
John, your music is garbage !
John, you'll never be as good as others !

Sorry to take up your time ma'am,
I have a ticket to the concert but unfortunately I'll be out of town tonight,
Would you like to have it ?

Are you sure, young man ?
I'm sure the ticket is very expensive and he is a very famous violinist,
You wouldn't want to miss the concert.

I have a very urgent matter to attend tonight,
Ma'am, please do me a favour and take the ticket,
It's my pleasure.

May God bless you !
I had always wanted to attend his concert but I couldn't afford to,
Thank you very much.

Go and enjoy yourself tonight,
It's time for me to go,
Take care and thank you Mrs Harris ...

I walked away in a hurry,
While she stood there bewildered,
And I smiled to myself discreetly.

She was my music teacher,
Her harsh words were my motivation to work harder,
So that I could prove to her that she was wrong.

Gifts come in many forms,
Some pretty and beutiful,
Some ugly and painful.

The greatest gift that I had received,
Is the gift that pushed me to succeed,
And I thanked her for what I am now.