Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Warrior Who Refuse To Fight

" Stand up, you coward. Fight me ! " shouted the Warrior to his young apprentice. The Warrior held a naked sword in his right hand and a long leather whip in his left hand.

He brandished the sword close to the chest of his apprentice and said, " You'll die if you don't fight ! You'll be killed by vicious creatures and vile humans ! As your Master, I'm ordering you to fight me now ! "

The apprentice cowered in the corner of the training room, his sword laying limply in his hand.

" Master, please. I don't want to fight, " whimpered the young apprentice who is clad in leather armor which is a size too large for him. His arms and legs are darkly scarred by numerous past injuries and wounds.

" You are disobeying my order. You'll be punished severely ! " He held his left hand high up above his head and sent the whip forcefully down onto his apprentice's body.

" No, no more ! I'm begging you ! " cried the young apprentice in pain. The thin whip had sliced into his arms, exposing his flesh to the surface. Red blood is trickling down to his hands and then down to his unused sword.

" You're a disgrace to the Warriors. I should have never taken you in as my apprentice, " growled the rugged Warrior who did not noticed the soft flapping wings of a bird.

As the Warrior readies his whip for another round of whipping, the Dove flew in front of the apprentice, its soft white wings lightly touching his scarred cheek. The boy disappeared in an instant as the Warrior stood there, bewildered.

Finally, I'm free from you