Wednesday, March 17, 2010

End of Final Fantasy III DS

I finally finished playing FF3 DS. The final boss was easier than I expected. I beat it at level 51 ! Luckily I didn't train them up til lvl6o and lvl99 job level. It would have been an epic waste of time. My team as Sage, Devout, Summoner and Ninja. 2 dedicated healers are essential for the final boss. I would have gotten pwned so bad if I didn't have both of them casting Curaga and Curaja. Ingus the Ninja died loads of time though but I had Refia the Devout revive him.

So, what's next ?

Should I play FF6 or KH : CoM ?

Oh, and I had also finished with The World Ends With You. The ending is so awesome ! The final boss pwned me so I had to rethink my strategy and equip new pins. But it was totally worth it !

Square Enix, I <3 you