Friday, May 22, 2009

The Wanderer

Wandering aimlessly, her head bowed slightly forward in exhaustion and resignation, she walked weakly while stumbling in her footsteps. Her hands were clutched tightly towards her chest in pain and agony. She lifted her head, seeking something that she desperately desired. But her pale grey eyes were filled with hopelessness. A silent tear trickled down her dirt-stained cheek as she tried to force herself to move and continue searching. The pain in her is paralyzing both her body and soul. “Courage, my dear, courage”, she whispered hoarsely.

Suddenly, she fell forward on her knees, her bleeding hands supporting herself on the ground filled with ragged stones with sharp edges. Fresh blood flowed from her hands and knees. She winced at the pain. But pain is nothing unusual to her. Her life is filled with constant and never-ending pain and suffering. Dreams and hopes unfulfilled. Yet, she kept moving on although nothing in her life is worth living for, never giving up, not just yet.

Sometime in her darkest moments, she could see a glimpse of hope. She wondered if the hope is only a figment of her desperate imagination. Yet, the hope kept her sustained in her will to live and endure. Pushing herself back on her wounded feet, she ignored the stabbing and excruciating pain and kept walking, leaving behind bloody footsteps.

Just something random that I had written when I was bored. Enjoy !